What Are the Must-Haves in a New Home?

Published on July 24, 2024 by Smith Marketing

When building a new home from the ground up, the sky’s the limit. There is almost nothing that is out of the question as you get into the design phase – as long as it fits in your budget, it can be added to the house. But what are the must-have elements that you don’t want to miss? This post is going to highlight some of the key elements almost everyone will want to include.


Are you looking for Greensboro Realtors who have the experience and knowledge to guide you through this process successfully? The team at Smith Marketing is your ideal partner. Working with this Allen Tate Greensboro team will put you at ease and help you get through the home building or buying process successfully.


Open Concept Design

This isn’t a particularly new trend, as open-concept homes have been popular for many years at this point. It’s still worth keeping this feature at or near the top of your priority list, however, as it is a great way to create a comfortable, flexible home. With plenty of open space and minimal walls, you’ll be able to use the house however you see fit for years to come.


Smart Home Technology

Something that is newer on the scene is smart home technology, and it’s another must-have. You’ll want to include various smart features in your house from the start so you don’t need to go back to add them later. This could be things like smart lighting, an advanced thermostat to control the HVAC system, security equipment, and more.


A Home Office

For most people, a home office has moved from the realm of luxury and into the category of necessity. Working from home is more common than ever before, and even if you don’t work from home, having an office space where you can set up a computer to handle bills and manage other parts of day-to-day life is something you’ll want to be able to do.


Outdoor Living

Technically, this next point isn’t “in” a new home, but it counts just the same. You’ll want to have somewhere around the house to get outside, relax, and spend time with family and friends. This could be a patio at ground level, an elevated deck on the back of the home, or some other type of outdoor living arrangement.


Tons of Windows

One thing you’ll never regret about your new home is having plenty of large windows to bring in as much natural light as possible. Even when the Greensboro weather doesn’t cooperate enough to enjoy the outdoor living space we discussed above, you can open the blinds or curtains and bask in the beauty of this part of the world.


If you decide to build a custom home, you’ll be able to pick and choose precisely the features you want to include, such as those listed above. Even if you opt for an existing home, you can use this list to help as you shop. Either way, Smith Marketing offers the real estate agents you need to make sound decisions and wind up in a home that you love.

What Do I Wish I Knew Before Building a House?

Published on July 23, 2024 by Smith Marketing

There is just so much to think about when building a new house. At the start, the process can seem overwhelming, and while working with an experienced agent and builder will go a long way, it still can be stressful. So, this article is going to break down a few things you can learn from those who have gone before you, to help make the path easier and allow you to achieve an ideal result.


To find the Greensboro homebuilders right for you, reach out today to Smith Marketing. With tons of experience in Greensboro real estate, the Smith Marketing team can help you find the ideal builder to get this journey off to an ideal start.


Leaving Extra Room in the Budget is Important

At the start of the design and planning process, it will be tempting to account for every last dollar that you have available. This makes some sense, of course, as you want to get as much as possible out of the build based on your budget. There is only one problem – surprise costs are almost certain to come along somewhere during the project. So, rather than maxing out the budget from the start, try leaving at least 10% of additional space in the budget to cover cost overruns. This will make things far less stressful and will help you get the project to the finish line successfully.


Keep Things Simple

If you are building a custom house, you have some control over the design – which is great, but it’s easy to take it too far. If you go a little overboard in creating a unique layout, you might find soon after you move in that you wish you would have played it a little “safer”. That is an outcome you can avoid by sticking with proven types of layout choices that are going to leave you with more of a blank canvas inside the house. This allows flexibility over time and will enable you to use the home in many different ways as the years – and even generations – pass.


Let Go of Perfection

Since this is probably the biggest project you will take on in life, it’s easy to think that you are going to nail it perfectly right from the start – but perfection rarely exists in this world. Do your best to let go of the temptation to control every last piece of the project and instead embrace the fact that things will play out as they will, and the finished product will be beautiful regardless.


Pay Attention to the Outside

You don’t want to become so obsessed with the design of the house itself that you forget to attend to landscaping and outdoor living features on the rest of the property. Loving the outdoors as much as the indoors will make your home somewhere you want to spend as much time as possible.


Whether you are interested in custom homes or would like to review what is available in already existing homes on the Greensboro market, Smith Marketing is the right call to make. Take a moment today to get in touch and put the wheels in motion to finding or building your dream home.

Current Trends in Luxury Home Design and Architecture

Published on July 22, 2024 by Smith Marketing

As with all things, the trends in luxury home design and architecture change over time. What was once in style and popular may no longer be seen as desirable by home buyers and builders. So, what is currently trendy for homebuilders to include for their clients? This article will take a closer look.


If you are thinking about new home construction, working with the best Realtors Greensboro has to offer is a great starting point. Of course, this is also the right way to approach finding an existing home, so either way, your next step is the same – reach out to Smith Marketing today to learn more.


Smart Home Technology

This is a pretty easy choice to start the list – smart home technology is everywhere in new houses and is only getting more advanced and more accessible as time passes. Including as much modern tech as possible from the start is a great way to “future-proof” your house and make sure you don’t have to go back later and make major changes to catch up with the tech you’d like to use. From security systems and lighting to HVAC and more, smart home technology can make everything work better.


Wellness Spaces

A generation or two ago, it was more common to head to another location outside of your home to work on your health. While that still occurs, of course, more and more people are enjoying having a home gym, yoga studio, or some similar space included in the design of their home. This will save you time, be more convenient – meaning you’ll be more likely to stick with a workout routine – and will afford you some welcome privacy.



There has been a shift in home design toward minimalist aesthetics that emphasize clean lines and plenty of open space. At first, it might seem like you aren’t including enough features in your new home, and it may wind up feeling “boring”. That’s unlikely to be the case when all is said and done. Minimalist spaces are appealing to the eye and offer nearly endless design options once the structure is completed.


A Focus on Sustainability

There are many different ways to pay attention to sustainability when designing your new home. This can come in the form of the materials you select for the project, the types of landscaping you use around the outside, how you heat and cool the home, and more. There has never been a more important time to think about how all of your actions impact the world around you, and starting by paying careful attention to your home design and construction plans is an excellent first step.


Ready to check out some great Allen Tate properties that could serve as your next home? Smith Marketing is ready to help. Take a moment now to get in touch and you’ll be taking a big step closer to finding the ideal property for your family.

Top 5 Reasons Homeowners Decide It’s Time to Sell Their House

Published on by Smith Marketing

Making real estate decisions is never easy. If you own a home, it’s quite likely that your house is the most valuable thing you own – and choosing to sell is a big step in your financial life. If you have been thinking about going in that direction, you might be interested in looking at some of the primary reasons that other homeowners decide it’s time to sell.


Working with qualified real estate agents can make it far easier to make these important choices. Whether you are getting ready to sell or might be thinking about becoming a homeowner for the first time in the Greensboro real estate market, Smith Marketing is the right partner for the job.


The House is the Wrong Size

Without a doubt, this reason is right at the top of the list for people deciding to sell their home. As time passes, it’s common for a house to no longer work for a family in terms of size. This can go both directions, of course. In some cases, it will be the addition of children to a family that causes the house to no longer be big enough. Or, as the kids get older and move out, a home may suddenly feel way too big, and downsizing could be in order.


A Job Change

For some people, it will be a change to their employment that dictates the sale of a house. Their current employer might decide to move them to a new office in a different place, or they might find a new job opportunity that demands they leave where they are currently living. Either way, these types of home sales usually come up quickly and have to be completed in a hurry.


Getting Closer to Family

It might be that you want to sell your house because you don’t currently live near family or close friends and you’d like to change that situation. This is common when people move away from home for college, settle in that area for a few years after school, and then decide they want to get back home.


Cashing Out

Sometimes, the decision to sell a house can be based on nothing more than just taking the opportunity to cash out the equity that has been built. If there is a lot of equity available in your home, and you are thinking about moving to a more affordable area (or downsizing), selling to secure those profits makes all the sense in the world.


A Change in the Neighborhood

Communities are always in flux, and an area that was once desirable to call home may no longer be so appealing. If a neighborhood feels like it is going “downhill” for one reason or another, a homeowner may decide to sell and look for a more attractive place to live.  In some cases, increased traffic or rezoning to allow the encroachment of commercial development makes a neighborhood less attractive.


To work with an Allen Tate Greensboro real estate team that is always going to fight for your side of any deal, Smith Marketing won’t disappoint. Take a moment today to get in touch and learn more about what Smith Marketing has to offer and how you can get started.

What Age Home is Best to Buy?

Published on June 11, 2024 by Smith Marketing

Buying a home is a unique situation in that the age of the property doesn’t tend to influence the price in any meaningful way. When you buy a used car, for example, the age of the car and the number of miles it has accumulated will play a huge role in the price. It doesn’t really work that way with houses, and old homes can easily sell for as much or more than comparable new ones.


So, with price not being much of a factor, how do you know what age home is best to buy? This post will help shed some light on that puzzle, and you can reach out directly to the Tate Realtors at Smith Marketing for help in your home search. 


The Benefits of a New Home

It should be pretty obvious that the main benefit of a new home is that everything in that home is new and should last for years to come. There has been no wear and tear on any of the components, and there should be warranty coverage to protect you if anything does come up. This is one of the main reasons that a significant percentage of home buyers want to find something new to purchase.


It’s also possible that finding a new home is going to be more likely in the areas where you want to live. For example, if there is a new development with new schools where you’d like to send your kids, the inventory of real estate in that area is going to skew toward new construction.


Going Back 10 or 20 Years

When you look at homes in this age range, you’ll find that most of the main structural components are still in good shape, but some of the cosmetic stuff might be starting to suffer a bit. Those fixes can be easy and often inexpensive, like adding new paint or maybe replacing the indoor door handles. Also, a home of this age range might start to look and feel a little dated, so that’s something to keep in mind if you are going to want to renovate in the future.


Older, Historic Homes

You might come across some real estate listings promoting homes that were built more than 40 or 50 years ago. For many people, the appeal of these kinds of houses is in the “charm” or “character” that they offer. Houses are built differently today than they were generations ago, and some buyers will love the aesthetics and layout of an older house.


Of course, that charm can come at a price, as many of the features in an older home might need to be replaced along the way; certainly the appliances that haven’t been brought up to current standards can be an issue. Plenty of problems can pop up after you take ownership of an older home and any warranty coverage that once existed will be long gone.


The reputation of Allen Tate in Greensboro speaks for itself, as the Realtors under this umbrella have been leaders in the Greensboro real estate market for many years. If you’d like to put powerful local knowledge on your side while looking to buy a home, take a moment today to get in touch with Smith Marketing.

Why Is the Kitchen the Most Important Room in a Home?

Published on June 1, 2024 by Smith Marketing

There is very little debate in real estate circles regarding what is the most important room in the house – it’s the kitchen. When looking at area real estate listings, the pictures of the kitchen are one of the first places that most home shoppers will stop. But why is that the case? This post will look at some of the many reasons why the kitchen is at the top of the priority list for so many buyers.


Whether you have been looking at existing houses in the Greensboro area or you want to consider some of the best Greensboro homebuilders to work on a custom home project, Smith Marketing is ready to help you with navigating the process. Get in touch today to learn more.


It’s Usually Used Every Single Day

As a starting point, the kitchen is critical to the function of a home simply because it is used every day. That’s true even if you aren’t an avid home cook – you’ll still be using the kitchen daily to get things out of the fridge, warm things up in the microwave, etc. And, if you do like to cook, the value of a good kitchen goes up even more.


There Are Big Differences from One to the Next

Part of the reason that kitchens are such a big deal in real estate comes down to the dramatic differences from one kitchen to another. For the most part, bedrooms are bedrooms – sure, they vary some, but they all have four walls and a closet of some kind. With a kitchen, you can get a wide range of layouts, and some will work better than others. Often, it’s not such much about having an amazing kitchen as it is about finding a house that just doesn’t have a terrible kitchen.


Changes Can Be Expensive

Yet another point on this topic is the fact that renovating a kitchen can be an expensive, time-consuming project to take on for a new homeowner. So, if a potential buyer doesn’t like the kitchen in a house, they are more likely to just move on than they are to invest in that house and then deal with the renovation that follows.


A Social Spot

Given the name “living room”, you might think that it would be the room where people would usually gather – but as you likely know,  that’s not how it goes. People tend to collect in and around the kitchen, so any home buyer is going to want to make sure that the kitchen they purchase is going to be suitable for welcoming people and having a good time with family and friends.


In new construction homes, you can be sure that the kitchen is going to get plenty of attention during the design and build phases. With a great kitchen, the house will be much easier to sell, for many of the reasons discussed above. If you’d like to work with leading Realtors in the Greensboro area to find the kitchen of your dreams, make a call to Smith Marketing today.

Top Home Buying Mistakes to Avoid

Published on May 30, 2024 by Smith Marketing

There is no denying the pressure that comes along with buying a house. It can be a stressful time, as it’s something you only do a few times in your life – and maybe you’ve never done it before. In this post, you’ll find some fundamental buying mistakes to avoid so you can keep this process on track and come away with a home that you absolutely love.


One of the best things to do when searching for “houses for sale near me” is to work with an experienced Realtor like those at Smith Marketing. With their knowledge and experience on your side, things won’t be as stressful, and the years and years of experience and expertise that the Smith Marketing Realtors have will help you navigate the process and allow you to relax and enjoy this exciting time.


Failing to Get Preapproved

One of the worst things you can do in this process is to start shopping for a home before understanding exactly what you can afford. Sure, you might use an online calculator tool to estimate what your budget could be, but that’s not the same thing as actually getting preapproved for a certain amount with a lender. Do this step first so you can shop and make offers with confidence.


Being Too Stringent

Yes, buying a home is a big purchase, and you want to get something that you like and is going to work for you and your family. With that said, the perfect house almost certainly isn’t out there, and you are shopping for real estate in the real world. Compromises are a part of life, and you need to set realistic expectations from the start. Remember to focus on the things that really matter, such as finding a house that is in an area that you like and has enough space for your family to live comfortably. Other things like the color of the walls, the condition of some of the fixtures, or other minor points can all be changed later on once you get moved in.


Thinking You Can Ignore Market Conditions

No one is above the market when buying a house. You are going to be playing within the conditions that are set by the market currently, and there isn’t anything you can do about it. So, if the market has a lot of buyers and few properties available, it’s likely that you’ll need to pay at least the asking price, if not more for the property that you want to buy. Making low-ball offers in an effort to get a super deal might result in frustration and lengthen the time it takes to find a home that works for you and your family.


Waiting Until You Can Put 20% Down

It’s great to have a large downpayment for the purchase, but realistically, not all buyers actually reach the mythical 20% mark. Plenty of loan options are available for buyers who have less than 20% to spend on a downpayment, so don’t let this issue hold you back from starting to shop for a great house.


Finding the best homes for sale Greensboro has to offer isn’t difficult when Smith Marketing is your chosen partner. Take a moment today to get in touch with the team and learn exactly how the team of Realtors at Smith Marketing can help you whether you are buying or selling.

Tech Talk: Exploring the Latest Gadgets Shaping Modern Home Living

Published on May 24, 2024 by Smith Marketing

In recent years, modern technologies have played an increasingly important role in many homes throughout Greensboro and surrounding areas. So-called smart home features are more popular than ever and can make life more convenient and relaxing, and even safer. This post will look at some of the best gadgets in this space, so you can consider which you might want to add to your house or include in a custom home project.


To work with Greensboro Realtors who are always current on the latest tech in this industry, turn to Smith Marketing for assistance. The real estate agents at Smith Marketing can help with shopping for an existing house or building one from the ground up – so don’t hesitate to get in touch today.


Advanced Home Security

It’s a great time to be adding security features to your home, as there are so many powerful – and affordable – options on the market today. Plenty of different components can come together to create a home security system, including things like video doorbells, security cameras, motion detectors, and more. Customizing a system to suit the needs of your home is easier than ever and will result in a robust security layout.


Smart Lighting

No longer do your lights have to operate in the same basic way that they have for generations. Now, you can use smart lighting to give you far more control over the entire lighting system in your house. With just a tap of the screen on your smartphone, you can do things like schedule your lights to come on or off, change their color, or match them up with the rhythm of your favorite song.


Robot Vacuum Cleaners

When compared to some of the other technologies that are available in the home tech landscape, robot vacuums have actually been around for a while. With that said, these devices continue to get better and better, and they can save you a ton of time once set up and programmed to do what you need.


Smart TVs and Appliances

Many of the things that you have in your home can now be connected to the internet to gain additional performance and convenience advantages. For example, with a smart TV, you will no longer be limited to just a cable connection – you can stream countless different shows and movies from a range of available services.


Smart Plugs

This last point on the list might seem pretty basic, but it can actually make a big impact on how you experience your home. Using a smart plug that can be turned on or off through your phone, it’s possible to control many different parts of your house, such as lamps, coffee makers, and on and on. Also, when you leave your home and can’t remember if you turned off a particular item, you can just use your phone to check the status of the smart plug to confirm. 


The right mix of tech gadgets for your home is going to depend on your specific needs and what you like to do in and around your home. As you search for “homes for sale near me”, make sure to partner with Smith Marketing to put local experts on your side for this exciting process.

The Colors of Home – How Your Interior Color Palette Influences Buyers

Published on April 12, 2024 by Smith Marketing

When selling a home, you don’t want to overlook even the smallest of details. Sure, big points like the size and square footage of a home are going to play a primary role in how quickly the house sells and for how much, but there are plenty of other factors involved, as well. This article will look at one of those other factors – the colors of the home – and how they might play into the selling process.


To get help from the leading Allen Tate Greensboro team as you prepare to sell your property and potentially buy a new one, get in touch with Smith Marketing today.


Embracing Tradition

When picking colors that you think will help to attract buyers and sell your home, you need to think first about the market you are in and what people are likely to want and expect. In the Greensboro area, many of the properties are more traditional in nature and have a timeless approach to décor. The bright and trendy colors and styles that might play well in other parts of the country – specifically, bigger metropolitan areas – aren’t going to be such a hit in other areas. Stay true to the market that you are serving and you will be far more likely to have a deal sooner rather than later.


Soft Shades Rule the Day

Most likely, you’ll want to go with some softer shades when painting walls or adding staging touches that will be on display when you list the house. You want to make sure that potential buyers can picture themselves living comfortably in the space right from the start, even if you’ll be taking most or all of those decorations with you. Pastel shades tend to work well when aiming for a traditional look, but you could opt to get the help of a professional designer to make sure your selections are on track or check with your real estate agent to get valuable input. If you are working with an experienced Realtor such as those at Smith Marketing, they will have a very good handle on what is currently popular and more importantly what to avoid. 


Always Play It Safe

Getting a house ready to sell is not the time to take bold chances with your design decisions. Rather, you want to play it down the middle and try to create a look that is going to appeal to as many people as possible. When decorating your own house that you are going to live in for many years to come, you can feel free to take whatever risks you want with the design and opt for bold colors and styles. That’s not an approach that is likely to pay off on the market, however, so play it safe – even if it feels a bit boring – and make sure every buyer feels welcome so you can have the biggest possible pool of bidders.


Whether you are listing your home, looking at homes for sale, or doing both, Smith Marketing is the Greensboro real estate partner you want to have on your side. Reach out right away to learn more.

Why is Greensboro So Popular?

Published on March 27, 2024 by Smith Marketing

Greensboro, North Carolina is a popular place to live. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to call this place home – or haven’t even visited for a weekend – you might not quite understand what is so special about this city and the surrounding area. This article will take a closer look at what makes Greensboro different and why so many people are so happy to call it home.


As Greensboro Realtors, Smith Marketing is up to the challenge of finding the ideal property in this market for you and your family. Whether you are ready to look at homes for sale or you just want to learn a little more about this area, get in touch today to get started.


It Starts with Location

When it comes to real estate in general, the importance of location has become something of a cliché. It is said so often, however, because it is true – location really is everything in real estate, and that’s a big part of why Greensboro is such a popular place to live.


For those who aren’t familiar with the area, just open up a map and take a look around. You’ll quickly notice that no matter what it is you’d like to do, there is a good chance you can do it relatively close to Greensboro. Want to head to the beach? You can be on the shores of the Atlantic after a comfortable drive to the east. Feeling like getting into the mountains? Head to the west instead and the Appalachians will be waiting for you. Not many places have such geographical diversity within a short drive of home, which is a big part of what makes Greensboro so enjoyable.


A Comfortable Size

Finding a city that is just the right size can be a bit of a challenge. In a huge metropolis, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the congestion and feel like you are lost in the crowds. On the other end of the spectrum, living in a small town isn’t for everyone – some people feel like they want to have more things to do and see than what is offered by the typical small town.


Greensboro manages to strike a beautiful balance between the two. With a population of around 300,000, there are plenty of people here to attract businesses and entertainment, yet congestion is not a problem often seen in the city. Once you have a chance to explore the city and get familiar with what it offers, you might come to the same conclusion as many other residents – this is the perfect size for a city that you can call home for the long run.


Getting Outside

Anyone who loves spending as much time outdoors as possible is sure to be impressed by the experience of living in and around Greensboro. There are seemingly endless parks to enjoy, lakes for fishing and boating, numerous golf courses, trails, and on and on. Pretty much any type of outdoor activity that you enjoy is going to be accessible when you call Greensboro your home base.


Speaking of being outside, the weather that occupies Greensboro for most of the year will encourage you to do just that. In the summer, you can look forward to warm afternoons with highs regularly in the 80s and low 90s. When winter comes around, you’ll avoid the bitter cold of the north, but will switch to cooler patterns with daytime highs frequently in the high 40s and low 50s. It’s an enjoyable climate with enough seasonality to keep things fresh without dealing with the harsh extremes that other places experience.


Abundant Opportunities

Whether you are striving for more education, a new career, or a little bit of both, Greensboro has something for you. The economy in this part of North Carolina gets its strength from its diversity, as there are many different sectors active here. Some of those include manufacturing, technology, logistics, and healthcare, among others. Growing a successful career is absolutely possible in this area and you may be excited to explore all of the various paths that a professional life in Greensboro could take you down.


The educational opportunities in Greensboro are just as impressive. Several great schools are available here, including the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina A&T State University. In fact, some people come here as students and wind up staying for a lifetime once they get a taste of the Greensboro lifestyle. Any chance you have to come here to enroll or work at one of the outstanding schools is something you should consider carefully.


In the End, It’s the People

Everything that has been discussed above presents a compelling argument for moving to Greensboro, but above all else, it’s the people of this city that really make it what it is. The friendly, approachable nature of the South as a whole is really put on display in Greensboro, and some of the nicest people you will ever meet are going to be found here. Unfortunately, some places are famous for being a bit frosty toward outsiders, making it hard for new people to become integrated into the community.


It’s just the opposite in Greensboro, and you’ll almost certainly find yourself feeling welcomed and included right from the start. This is a comforting thought if you are going to be moving from a long distance away and won’t know anyone when you arrive. That isn’t going to be the case for long, as you’ll start to meet people and form connections as soon as you move in and start to live and work here. Whether coming alone or with a whole family, Greensboro will make you feel at home from day one.


Working with an Allentate realty agency like Smith Marketing is a great way to get a handle on the competitive Greensboro housing market. As one of the leading Allen Tate Greensboro Realtors, you will be in good hands when you trust your home search to this group of experienced professionals.